C# Async Processing Pipeline with Rx.Net I was looking for the easiest way to process task asynchronously, but keep the order. However, implementing something on top of the BlockingCollection<T> seemed a bit of an overkill. Simple async/await Instead, the original implementation was similar to: backgroundTasks.Add(LongProcessAsync()); And later on I could
.NET-Core APM for .Net Core on Linux - Beyond Log Analyzing For the folks out there, not familiar with the abbreviation APM, in the context of this post stands for Application Performance Monitoring. APM 0.1 - Leverage existing tools (and logs) For the last 2 years, I'm part of a team building an exciting new B2B application using
WPF Combine Multiple ViewModels in WPF I just helped a colleague of mine with a tricky task: * The user chooses from a drop down on View 1 * Based on that choice, data and controls in View 3 need to be adjusted The task description is straight forward and basically resembles any slightly more complicated wizard. Unfortunately,
Tools What changed since 2012? - Things are simpler now! (in 2018) Yesterday, I realized, that it's been almost 2 long years since my last post. A lot has happened in that time and while migrating this blog to ghost, I reflected on some older posts of mine and noticed how things got easier. Since most of my posts are
C# Handling Excel-Files (*.xls, *.xlsx) in Web Applications ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: EOF in header I'm working on a SaaS application in ASP.NET MVC, which takes your KPIs and presents them to you in clear overviews and graphs, so you can see at a glance, how your business is doing and what needs to change. This is for SMEs, which to a
ASP.NET-MVC Request Authorization in ASP.NET Web API in Mono Few days ago I was struggling to set up authorization on requests to my Web API. The major Problem was missing sessions. You can read more here: Request Authorization in ASP.NET Web API. After I set it up, it was running and everything seemed great until I found out
ASP.NET-MVC Request Authorization in ASP.NET Web API When you use ASP.NET Web API as a back-end for your JavaScript heavy Single Page Application (SPA), you might want to check who is performing requests, before you answer with a result. In my case, the different permissions are a bit bulky and I'm storing them in
Mono How to connect Mono in Linux to Oracle Long post about all the steps I did can be found here: How I managed to connect from Mono in Linux to Oracle If you are using ServiceStack.OrmLite it is extremely easy in the end: Attention! This solution might bring problems with it if you need timezone aware TimeStamps
Mono How I managed to connect from Mono in Linux to Oracle TL;DR How to connect Mono in Linux to Oracle I'm in the process of migrating a ASP.NET MVC application to Mono and Linux. We made the decision to have easier deployment for our clients based on Docker-containers. Looking at Mono's compatibility list, .Net 4.
C# Always check the ModelState Ever came across weird behavior in your ASP.NET Views? - I did already several times, and this is what I've learned: Always check the ModelState. Most of you probably remember to clear the ModelState when you modify _POST_ed values. But I had to find out, that
C# Handling Bookmarks in OpenXML Word-Documents I needed to re-implement my function of exporting all bookmarks of a word-document into a dictionary and than setting them based on the changes in the dictionary from Word-Interop to OpenXML SDK. I've found a very helpful answer on StackOverflow suggesting the following solution: IDictionary<string, BookmarkStart&
C# Problem Adding Ribbon-Control to Office AddIn Projects ThisRibbonCollection' does not contain a definition for 'GetRibbon'.... If you see this error, don't panic, the solution is rather simple. To make matters easier for you, Office AddIns have a partial class "ThisRibbonCollection" which is automatically used to define your Ribbon Control as
C# Simple Zoom for WPF Controls Recently, I had to implement a zoom - in / out - functionality into a WPF application. After some research I found out that there is a RenderTransform on the Grid-Control. Here you can define a ScaleTransform which is able to scale everything in the grid by a value of type
C# How To Stop a Storyboard I have an application with a storyboard, which turns a icon that indicates that the application is currently busy. Because I don't have any chance to know, how long the application will be busy, the RepeatBehavior on the application is set to Forever and I have to stop